Recurring annual certificates
Annual certifications are key to regulatory compliance. Required by HMRC and other authorities, these certificates ensure your business operates safely and legally. YourCompliance automates the tracking and reminders for these certifications, saving time and effort for your operations team and keeping compliance stress-free.

We have templates built in for all currently known regional certificates. This means you can get your compliance processes started faster with our inbuilt templates allowing you to quickly start collating what other companies are doing. This ensures you are staying ahead of the curve.

Fully Customizable
Don’t just use our inbuilt templates, if you want to capture a certificate type that nots in our template list, no problems, you can create and customize your certificates to allow for the collection of anything.

Definable Frequencies
We call them annual recurring certificates because most of them are required every 12 months, however we know that not all certificates are annual. Our system is built for flexibility so whether you require a bi-annual or even quarterly check, you’re in full control and can set the renewal frequency to be any value you need. Built to be future-proof and versatile based on the latest government guidance.

Property Specific
You have complete control over which certificates are on which property. For things like Chimney Sweep records, not all properties in your portfolio may have chimneys so there’s no need to create an entry for them. Easily set the certificate types to properties for the most granular compliance needs.
Additional Features
Message Templates
Apply message templates per certificate type (read about message templates here). Have different team members responsible for different certificates and need to customize the messages you send? No problems, read all about how messaging and integrations work to fully understand the flexibility.

Upcoming Risk
Need an at-a-glance summary of your portfolio’s compliance status? We’ve got you covered with our easy to view summary page. See properties with upcoming risk so you can prioritise what needs sorting soonest.

Version History
All records are stored so that you can be fully compliant backwards as well as forwards. With no guidance yet on how far back guests or HMRC compliance officers can request details for, we’ve built the platform to encompass all the info you’ve uploaded and keep it accessible whenever needed.

Owner Portal
Owners maintain the underlying responsibility for their compliance. Our solution provides a simple to use Owner portal, you can share access to specified properties with additional team users so they can upload documents for you.

Approve & Decline
Whether its owners or maintenance team members using the easy upload portal, you as the admin have the option to decline or approve uploaded certificates. Automate the messages sent when a message is declined to ensure your uploader knows the reason why. No more blurry photos!

All certificates when uploaded can include notes so other users of the system can read your rationale behind uploaded docs.

”The messaging feature has streamlined our compliance process completely. Our team and property owners get updates, and the audit trail keeps everything accountable
Oliver ThompsonCotswold Cottage Collection
Discover more from YourCompliance
Reminders & Messages
Automated reminders and personalised messaging for seamless compliance
Reporting Summaries
Comprehensive compliance insights with real-time reports and summaries